Hennessy Artistry @WhiteRoom
wrist tag for bloggers =)
This is the Hennessy I-Mix Challenge zone where you need to slice up ingredients that are found in the Hennessy signature long drinks. Limited edition of Helios will be given to the top 5 scorers =)
i'm in the 9th, it just a bit more =(
Here's the Hennessy Mixing bar and you will be taught how to mix any of the four signature long drinks which are apple, ginger, citrus and berry.. I personally like the Hennessy Berry, it tastes good!!
Come to the Hennessy Music Mix Synth where you have 90 seconds to create your own blend of music =)
with the cute couple Nathan + Jac, and also Pauline
Kingsley & Nathan
with the girls Cas, me, Jac, and Veron <3
Crystal, Veron, Cas & Jac
Veron babe
DJ Reeve at the back
Well i guess that's all , Night peeps !!